Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week Two

We're already up to week 3 already so I thought I would catch you all up on what I've been doing for the past week and a bit!
Last time I wrote we just had a week of orientation and a jam packed weekend filled with exploring Paris and particularly the Louvre (photos below) and also Hillsong Paris!
We spent a total of 6 hours wondering around the many sections of the Lourve. It was great but we made an extremely bad choice not to take lunch with us so when it came to 2pm and we were checking out the food options within the art gallery we were far from impressed. I found a small cup of grated carrots for 4 euros which gave me no hope at all. I literally was standing in front of one of the food stalls for around 10 minutes having a mental battle of whether I should buy something.
In the end, Faith (one of the DTS staff) and I went and found delicious sandwiches for a cheaper price while the boys bought disappointment for 15 euros. Never again.

The second week started with our first guest speaker joining us from the UK to speak to us about "Hearing the voice of God". We start at 9am each day and start with a time of creative worship, worship or intersession. We then go into lectures on the subject for the week.
I absolutely loved this week and the topic as I felt like it built some really important foundations for the weeks ahead. God has also worked powerfully in bringing our group closer together and growing us as a team in so many ways! It's crazy to think that He has so much more in store for us!
Some points that stood out to me from "Hearing the voice of God":
  • He speaks to us in so many different ways
  • Sometimes there are hinderances that block us from hearing His voice such as sin and pride. We have to remain humble by repenting and asking God for a clean heart and mind.
  • The power of confessing our sins to one another
  • The beautiful intimacy in how God wants to speak to each one of us.
After this week, I want to put into practice the act of including God in EVERYTHING I do. He deserves that and so much more! I am reminded of a passage I dearly love:

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

Romans 12:1-2 (MSG)

Just today I was reminded of how important this is.
Mariah (my awesome fellow redheaded roommate) and I decided to catch the Metro to the nearest Starbucks with the hope of using fast wi-fi and finishing our homework for this week (Journals). Sadly the wi-fi was as sad as our wi-fi at home but as we sat down to drink our coffees, a man and a woman across from us (who I noticed were speaking spanish) started talking to us. They were a father and daughter who were Mexicans and they now resided in Paris and in England. We got chatting and they became really interested in what were doing and everything about YWAM. They even took a photo of the cover of one our books which was the story of how the founder of Youth With A Mission came to start the organisation and the story of how God spoke to him. They were keen to read the book for themselves and said that maybe they wanted to get involved with what we were doing!
After around 40 minutes of talking with them we said goodbye and carried on with our work but what struck me was the importance of being open to God and his voice at all times because He will present opportunities for you to share what He is saying. I'm trying to understand the fact that if I'm not seeking God, I'm actually denying so many people the possibility of them hearing Him all because of my pride and disobedience. I know he can still work without me. He actually doesn't have to use me at all but He wants to which is crazy! I have to keep reminding myself that I am nothing, I deserve nothing, but has chosen to give me everything and make me someone in the light of his grace.
With one word, God can turn someones whole life around. That's how powerful He is.

I want to be a part of that.
The voice of the Lord is powerful;
 the voice of the Lord is majestic.
 the Lord shakes the Desert of Kadesh.
 and strips the forests bare.
And in his temple all cry, “Glory!”
The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars;
 the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.
He makes Lebanon leap like a calf, Sirion like a young wild ox.
The voice of the Lord strikes
with flashes of lightning.
The voice of the Lord shakes the desert;
The voice of the Lord twists the oaks

The Lord sits enthroned over the flood;
the Lord is enthroned as King forever.
The Lord gives strength to his people;
the Lord blesses his people with peace.

Psalm 27:4-11

My Lourve buddies, Sean and Luke (although we lost Luke after a while!), pondering the mysteries of this artwork.

People going cray cray for Mona. It was like a sauna in there.

Scary looking creatures guard the steps to the Lourve.

Could't really see Mona so I thought I would take a picture of this cute kid. 

Coloured train station with some crazy kids. (Also, how great is Faith's cat bag!)

Sunday, February 1, 2015

First Week!

Bonjour from Paris! My first week here has already flown by! It's crazy!
Seven days ago I was flying through the air towards France after saying goodbye to so many special people who fill me with their love and friendship. It definitely hit me when I said goodbye to my sister and my Mum as I walked through the departure gates that I would be leaving for a long time and would be walking on a path that was very unknown to me. Tears started flowing (I'm pretty sure someone took a snapchat photo of me in line for customs. Thanks.) and they kept on flowing as I read some letters from dear ones that I was supposed to read on the plane but wanted to get the waterworks over and done with (sorry!) But the excitement kicked in when I got my first meal, which was Chicken Tagine mind you, and also knowing that I had set off for a grand adventure with Jesus.

God blessed me with two amazing flights in which there were only a few bumps here and there which is pretty spectacular for a 24 hour flight. The food was great! (Except for breakfast. I have never experienced a tasty breakfast meal on a plane before. If you have, please let me know.) I slept for 9 hours and managed to score a whole row to myself on the 7 hour flight from Dubai to Paris so it was kinda like I was in first class living the life of the upper class. It also had free wi-fi (thaaannkk youuu emirates) which kept me up to date with y'all's instas, snaps and what not.

I arrived in Paris and was met by one of the Discipleship Training School's (DTS) staff and two other students who had arrived around the same time as me. We managed to navigate our way through the metro system with 20kg bags in hand to our new home in a suburb called Belleville. We then dragged our bags up another set of stairs to find our apartment which is on the main street. It's a super small apartment but we manage to fit 7 people in it! (3 DTS students and 4 staff). My favourite thing about it is that we have a window overlooking the street so I can totally Rear Window it everyday and view everyday happenings here in Belleville.

Belleville itself is very multicultural! It's the chinatown of Paris so at the moment the streets are adorned with fairy lights for Chinese New Year. I'm going to be extremely sad when they take them down though. :''''''''(
We have an organic market just across the road from us called BioCoop and one of the shop attendants already knows me from just one visit! He speaks english and is extremely nice. He even gave us a free loaf of sweet chestnut bread which was delicious!

There is a park called Parc de Belleville (original name I know) and it is a 2 minute walk from our apartment. It has an amazing view of Paris and surprisingly free wi-fi ha! Below are a few photos of the view.

The DTS staff and my fellow students are all SO nice and lovely. Although we don't all live together, it's beginning to feel like a tight knit community. I am excited to have them along side me through this crazy journey!

As you can see my paragraphs are getting shorter and shorter. It's 11.59pm so I think it's time to call it a night as I am tired from 6 hours spent at the Lourve and experiencing Hillsong Paris! Both were so great though. Below are a few snaps of where I live and also from my Saturday which was spent with the lovely Johanna Knoechel. I'll hopefully continue to write more as time goes on and let you know what I'm actually doing day by day instead of just reporting on the things I'm eating.



The view from my room

Parc de Belleville

View from my room. Parc de Belleville is just at the end of this road.

She's a little bit lovely.

The window in the middle is where I live!

The amazing view of Paris from Parc de Belleville.

The Metro

Aesthetically pleasing doors.

Belleville has a lot of street art.

Creme Brulee!


From the street where I live you can see the Eiffel Tower in the distance.

More stunning views from Parc de Belleville.