So the time has come to finally dig into my photos from last year. If you don't know, I spent most of 2015 in Europe, four months of which I was travelling with my sister and friends. If you know me I take alot of photos and I have a phobia of deleting them so it's quite an overwhelming experience when I finally decide to take the plunge and start editing.
Here we go. Venice, Italy.
The first 2 hours we spent in Venice were not the best start. We got dodgy directions from a policeman and found that there were no bridges on this certain route that could take us to our accommodation. It was quite a frustrating moment when we were literally across from the street that we needed to be on but the canal was a clear obstacle. I think we all thought about hijacking a boat at that point. Our AirBnb host was pretty annoyed as he stepped out of his personal gondola when we finally arrived but it all ended well.
Here we go. Venice, Italy.
The first 2 hours we spent in Venice were not the best start. We got dodgy directions from a policeman and found that there were no bridges on this certain route that could take us to our accommodation. It was quite a frustrating moment when we were literally across from the street that we needed to be on but the canal was a clear obstacle. I think we all thought about hijacking a boat at that point. Our AirBnb host was pretty annoyed as he stepped out of his personal gondola when we finally arrived but it all ended well.
This was my second time in Venice but for me, it's uniqueness and beauty hadn't faded. Our days were filled with the autumn palette, pizza, illegally riding the really expensive gondolas to see the famous glass blowing island (heads up: they don't glass blow on a Sunday, a fact we learnt quite sadly), getting lost and shooing away pigeons.
Below are some shots from our stay.

Carla Dibbs Photography