"The peace that passeth all understanding"
This scripture was found inscribed in a book from the 1930's as we scoured the isles of miscellaneous items in a shop we found on the side of the road. This short sentence encapsulates a little of the feeling of being in Tasmania. Part of this comes from having no reception state-wide and seeing not a soul on the road or anywhere else for that matter but, you cannot deny the stillness, awe and wonder when you sit atop a wind howling peak or the only noise you hear is a raging waterfall above you or waves that make you jump because you've mistaken them for thunder.
I've never thought of traveling to this mysterious off cut to our island but when Jetstar informs you that flights are $35 and $1 return, you jump at the opportunity. And so back in December, my family made the grand voyage of flying overseas (I found myself actually thinking this) to this little treasure trove of natural untouched wilderness. We made our way roadtripping from Launceston down to Hobart, exploring the west coast and then the east coast before returning to our original destination.
Flaming boulders, salty oysters, azure waters, cows and the cream that came from them (best cream I've ever tasted), harsh landscapes, colours & textures that scream all things wild and wonderful are just a few of Tasmania's strengths. Here are a few snapshots that capture the 12 days we spent exploring this unexpected surprise.